VIA’s Wi-FI Usage Policy and Disclaimer

VIA provides free on-board Wi-Fi service on its buses.  Customers who use this service are required to do so in a responsible manner.  By using VIA’s Wi-Fi service you agree that you will abide by this usage policy and disclaimer, and agree you will not use this service to violate any applicable law or regulation or for any unlawful purpose.  You further agree not to:


·         send, receive, open or store material displaying text or graphics or emitting sound which may be reasonably construed as unlawful, libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy, abusive, inflammatory, offensive, lewd, indecent, obscene or otherwise objectionable, including pornographic or sexually explicit material;


·         attempt to access or modify files, passwords or data belonging to others or to seek unauthorized access to any computer system or to alter, or damage software components belonging to others, including disseminating or posting harmful content (e.g., viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, zombies, bots, malware, spyware or any other computer programming routines that may damage, interfere with, secretly intercept or seize any system, program, date or personal information);


·         engage in unauthorized copying or distribution of any material protected by copyright, trademark, license, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property right;


·         engage in any fraudulent conduct including, but not limited to, conducting fraudulent business operations and practices, offering or disseminating fraudulent goods, services, schemes or promotions, or falsifying your identity or impersonating any person, business or entity to create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others


VIA’s Wi-Fi service is not password protected and offers no security features.  Users are advised to refrain from transmitting security-sensitive personal information.  Users should ensure that devices being used to access this service have up-to-date virus and security protection.


VIA uses content filtering software to reduce the possibility a user may access, or be exposed to, material that is illegal or objectionable.  However, there is no perfect filtering technology and illegal or objectionable websites may evade the content filtering software.  You agree you may receive or be exposed to content that is illegal or objectionable.


You agree that VIA may be required to disclose data related to the use of this service if VIA is served with a legal subpoena or court order.


You agree to assume all risks associated with the use of this service and agree that VIA is not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, liability, damage, or expense, including attorney’s fees, arising from the use of this service that you may incur.


By using VIA’s free on-board Wi-Fi service, you agree to the usage policy and disclaimer set forth above.  Violation of the usage policy may result in termination or cancellation of your access to this service.


Wi-Fi FAQ’s


Q.  Is there a cost to use VIA’s Wi-Fi internet service?

No, VIA’s Wi-Fi is free of charge and there is no registration.  The only requirement is that you accept and agree to the usage policy and disclaimer.


Q.  What equipment do I need to use VIA’s Wi-Fi?

To use the service, your device (laptop, PDA, cell phone) must be Wi-Fi enabled.  Both PCs and Macs can be used.   Using VIA’s Wi-Fi service is similar to connecting with other wireless Internet services in cafes, office buildings and other wireless hot spots.


Q.  Is the Wi-Fi network encrypted or is a passcode required for access?

No, VIA’s Wi-Fi uses an unsecured network.  However, you must be on board a bus in order for your wireless device to access the network.  A firewall is configured on the wireless router to prevent brute force hacking.


Q.  Does VIA Wi-Fi offer virus protection and security?

No, it does not.  Users should ensure that their wireless devices have up-to-date anti-virus and security protection.  VIA is not responsible or liable for any loss or security breach resulting from the use of this service.


Q.  How secure is VIA’s Wi-Fi network?

VIA’s wireless network is as secure as any other public open network.  The actual security of the connection will depend on the user’s device and the security application(s) it uses.  You should use the same precautions while on VIA’s Wi-Fi network that you would exhibit while using any other open wireless network.